Hey guys and gals!

Maybe it's silly to start a blog for the kingdom, but I wanted a little more flexibility in sharing ideas than the chat allows in the game. So, I'll be sharing war strategies, defense strategies, game news and our kingdom records on here as well as whatever else comes to mind. It'll also help me keep track of members I have to kick due to inactivity. I'm horrible with names & don't want to lose anyone because they stepped away from the game for a couple of weeks.

Feel free to add comments here, and I can add them as posts later on if needed.


Saturday, January 24, 2015


Since our wars start around the same time every week, make sure you have an army trained for victory by the time the war starts.

Scout your opponent before you attack. Under the war summary tab, you can "visit" an opponent prior to attacking.  Train an army to take specific advantage of their weaknesses.  For example, if they have poorly developed air defenses, attack with griffons!

If possible, make sure any defensive buildings are finished by the start of the war.  That includes the obvious like archer towers, but also the trap shop and kingdom castle.

Keep your kingdom builder focused on other people's defensive upgrades for the same reasons you need to finish defensive upgrades prior to war.  Visit multiple villages if necessary and don't forget the weaker guys.  They sometimes win the war for us!

Save any treasure chests or war chests to be opened during the war when you know you'll be able to attack a few times in a row.  This is when those boosted barracks and mercenary troops will be the most useful.

Each star you earn in an attack is a life or heart you take from your enemy.  Once they're out of lives/hearts, they're eliminated.  Once they are eliminated, they can donate morale to someone in their kingdom, and this will usually be their strongest player or players.  In each war, we ask lower players to attack early and often, but to NOT eliminate anyone until their top players are eliminated.  This prevents their top players from attacking repeatedly & preventing us from winning.  Roopull will give the "Eliminate at Will" command when it's okay to eliminate lower players.

Often, a war comes down to how we use our shields.  Whoever is under a shield first is at a disadvantage.  So, watch the countdown to when the war starts & try to attack as soon as the war opens up.  Put THEM under the shields and at a life deficit first!

Traps and towers don't work if you don't refill them. Your kingdom castle is just a big dumb block without troops!  So, prior to each war, double check to make sure you traps & towers are refilled.  Also, don't be shy in asking for troops via the kingdom castle.  Even ask for specific troops that you know will compliment your attacking army.  Lower players, specifically, shouldn't be shy in asking for powerful troops they can't produce themselves.  A single vampire or reaper can make a lower player's village invincible in a war!

This doesn't just benefit you, so this isn't being selfish.  Your victory in the war is a victory for the entire kingdom, and letting others donate troops to you helps them with the diplomacy achievement!

It's a foregone conclusion that you're probably going to be attacked during the war, and it's likely that you're going to lose some resources in those attacks.  It's a good idea to use as many resources as you can prior to and during the war.  Upgrading walls is an easy way to get rid of gold in a productive way throughout a war.

Save your diamonds for builder shops.  Don't use them on anything else until you have all 6 builder shops.  After that, save your diamonds for use in wars.  Use them to instantly retrain your army after your first attack so you can do as much damage as possible before getting attacked & put under a shield.  Once under a shield, try to ride the shield out to get all the morale you can before the shield goes down.

Some opponents can only be beaten via teamwork! Use chat to set up a tag-team attack.  A lower player will attack with archers, barbarians or another very weak troop.  He'll use these to draw defenders out from the hero alter and kingdom castle.  He'll then use whatever troops necessary to kill those defenders WITHOUT doing any other damage.  The goal is to kill the defenders without giving the opponent a shield.  Once the defenders are gone, the stronger player in the tag-team attack will invade without having to worry with captains or kingdom castle troops!

Learn as much about your opponent as possible.  Watch their attack on you and change traps & towers around to meet their troops.  Watch other people's attacks on them to see what works & where their traps are.


  1. Comments are welcomed & invited! No registration needed (I think!) -Roopull

  2. Wow impressive we also have a christian Kingdom find us @ Gods Kingdom on the game :)
